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Harriet Walsh: Inhomogeneous random growth in half space and solutions of integrable equations

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mardi 14 mai 2024 mardi 14 mai 2024
+ Google Map Salle 318 (IMB)

I will talk about models of two dimensional random growth (namely, polynuclear growth) which can be translated into probability laws on integer partitions by way of the RSK algorithm. As a consequence, we can study their asymptotic statistics with algebraic tools. I will focus on a model in half space with external sources driving growth at the edges, and present a new asymptotic distribution governing its interface fluctuations which interpolates between different universal Tracy-Widom distributions from random matrix theory, and encodes solutions of the Painlevé II integrable differential equation. Our approach uses connections between symmetric functions, matrix integrals, Hankel determinants, and a Riemann-Hilbert problem. Based on joint work with Mattia Cafasso, Alessandra Occelli and Daniel Ofner.


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