Couplage de modes et « Symétrie Parité-Temps » en Photonique
A318 (IMB) A318 (IMB)Speakers: Yann Boucher (École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest)Ces dernières décennies, la redécouverte des opérateurs Hamiltoniens non-hermitiques, et des systèmes quantiques présentant une "Symétrie Parité-Temps", a suscité de nombreux travaux. La transposition à
Rouven Frassek: Q-operators for rational spin chains
Salle 318 Salle 318I plan to discuss how Q-operators for rational spin chains can be constructed in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method. The presentation will include open and closed XXX type spin
Quiver gauge theory and quiver W-algebras
Salle A 318 (IMB) Salle A 318 (IMB)Speakers: Taro Kimura (Keio University)Recently we have established a gauge theoretic construction of W-algebras, that we call the quiver W-algebras. In this construction, we obtain the q-deformed W-algebra associated with the quiver
Farzad Fathizadeh: Heat kernel expansion of the Dirac-Laplacian of multifractal Robertson-Walker cosmologies
Salle 318 (IMB: batiment Mirande) Salle 318 (IMB: batiment Mirande)I will talk about a recent work in which we find an explicit formula for each Seeley-deWitt coefficient in the full heat kernel expansion of the Dirac-Laplacian of the Robertson-Walker metric with
(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability
Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.
Martin Vogel: Matrices de Toeplitz et perturbations aléatoires
Salle A318 (IMB) Salle A318 (IMB)Résumé : Nous allons considérer des matrices de Toeplitz avec un nombre fini des bandes. Je vais présenter quelques résultats récentes concernant la distribution de leurs valeurs propres après petite perturbation aléatoire.
(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability
Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.
(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability
Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.
(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability
Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.
(minicours) D. Volin: Young tableaux and quantum integrability
Dmytro Volin will give 5 mini-courses about "Young tableaux and quantum integrability", with the following a priori schedule: Lecture 1 (march 26): Multiplication of Young tableaux through “Jeu de taquin”. Plactic monoid.
Resolvent estimates and semigroup expansions for non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators
Salle A318 (IMB) Salle A318 (IMB)Speakers: Michael Hitrik (UCLA)We establish a large time expansion for the propagator associated to a semiclassical non-selfadjoint magnetic Schrödinger operator, in terms of the corresponding low lying eigenvalues.This is joint work with Ben Bellis.
Badri Krishnan: The merger of black hole horizons
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Badri Krishnan (Max-Planck Institut for Gravitational Physics (AEI))In this talk I will present a new way of visualizing and studying a binary black hole coalescence. Instead of employing global event horizons, this
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Sylvain Ribault: Introduction to two-dimensional conformal field theory
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Sylvain Ribault (IPhT, Saclay)I will review the basic principles of two-dimensional conformal field theory, and some important results. First I will explain the origin and consequences of the existence of a
Sylvain Ribault: The non-rational limit of D-series minimal models
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Sylvain Ribault (IPhT, Saclay)I will describe the limit of D-series minimal models when the central charge tends to a generic irrational value c<1. I will show that the limit theory's three-point
Mikhail Isachenkov: Models of Calogero-Sutherland type in d>2 CFT
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Mikhail Isachenkov (IHES)Conformal bootstrap programme in the spacetime dimensions d>2 has seen a revival in the last decade. I will describe a direct connection between the important constituents of the bootstrap
Masazumi Honda: Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Honda Masazumi (University of Cambridge)I will talk about supersymmetric index of 4d N=1 supersymmetric theories on S^1xM_3 which counts supersymmetric states. In the first part, I will discuss a general formula
Ali Zahabi: Asymptotic BPS counting on toric quivers and Mahler measure
Speakers: Ali Zahabi (Université de Bourgogne)First, we review the BPS sector in N = 2, four-dimensional toric quiver gauge theories and its relation to crystal melting model and dimer model. Then, we
Yutaka Shikano: Quantum Random Numbers generated by a Cloud Superconducting Quantum Computer
Speakers: Yutaka Shikano (Keio University)A cloud quantum computer is similar to a random number generator in that its physical mechanism is inaccessible to the users. In this respect, a cloud quantum computer
Stefan Hohenegger : Symmetries in A-Type Little String Theories
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)In this talk, I discuss so-called Little String Theories (LSTs), which are a type of interacting quantum theories whose UV-completion contains string-like (i.e. extended) degrees
Georgy Sharygin: Full symmetric Toda flows on real Lie groups and Bruhat order
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Georgy Sharygin (ITEP, Moscow State University)The full symmetric Toda system is a straightforward generalization of the usual (3-diagonal) system; it can be further generalized to the case of Cartan decomposition of
Nicolas Besset: The charged Klein-Gordon equation in the exterior De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström spacetime
Salle A318 Salle A318Speakers: Nicolas Besset (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes)We consider the charged Klein-Gordon equation outside the De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström black hole. The product of the charge of the field and the charge of the
Juan Valiente-Kroon : Approximate twistors and positive mass
Speakers: Juan Valiente-Kroon (Queen Mary University of London)In this talk I will reconsider the problem of comparing initial data to a reference solution for the vacuum Einstein field equations is considered. To
Atsuo Kuniba: Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball system ANNULÉ
Speakers: Atsuo Kuniba (University of Tokyo)Box-ball system (BBS) is a distinguished example ofsoliton cellular automaton in one dimension.Its integrability has been studied extensively from the viewpoint ofquantum groups, Bethe ansatz, ultradiscretization and
Alexander Alexandrov
Speakers: Alexander Alexandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, POSTECH)
Robin Tucker
Speakers: Robin Tucker (Lancaster University)
Frédéric Hélein : The multisymplectic approach to gauge and gravity theories and its gifts
A318 A318Speakers: Frédéric Hélein (Université de Paris)
Patrick Tardivel : The geometry of uniqueness, sparsity and clustering of penalized estimators
En ligne En ligneWe provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of penalized least-squares estimators whose penalty term is given by a norm with a polytope unit ball, covering a wide range of
José Luis Jaramillo : On the stability of black hole quasi-normal modes
A318 A318In this talk we explore the issue of black hole quasi-normal mode (QNM) instability. Specifically, by adopting a hyperboloidal approach to QNMswe cast the QNM problem as an eigenvalue problem for a non-selfadjointoperator.
Using the Feshbach-Schur map to solve eigenvalue problems: analysis and error estimation
A318 A318Speakers: Geneviève Dusson (Université de Franche-Comté)In this talk, I will present and analyse a method to solve self-adjoint eigenvalue problems. This method is based on the Feshbach-Schur map (i.e. a Schur complement)
Antonin Coutant: Higher order topological insulator in an acoustic network à la Su-Schrieffer-Heeger
A318 A318
Ajinkya Kulkarni : Algebraic and topological invariants of fusion categories
Online OnlineFusion categories arise in the study of conformal field theory While Rep(G) for G a finite group is the primary example of a fusion category, categories which are Morita equivalent to Rep
The topological string and Jacobi forms
Online OnlineSpeakers: Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor (École normale supérieure)In this talk, we will give a leisurely introduction to the topological string, emphasizing its multi-faceted nature inherited from its parent theory, string theory. As a concrete
Giordano Cotti (Universidade de Lisboa) : Quantum differential equations, isomonodromic deformations, and derived categories
Online OnlineThe quantum differential equation (qDE) is a rich object attached to a smooth projective variety X. It is an ordinary differential equation in the complex domain which encodes information of the enumerative
Louis Garrigue (École des ponts) : Le problème inverse de la DFT en mécanique quantique statique
Online OnlineLa DFT (density functional theory) est la méthode la plus efficace pour modéliser la matière à l'échelle microscopique, elle est extensivement utilisée en physique et chimie quantique à N corps. Elle peut
GDR DYNQUA 10-12 Mars
Danilo Lewanski (IHES) : Cohomologie des espaces de modules des courbes de la physique mathématique
Online OnlineLa compréhension de la cohomologie des espaces des modules des courbes est un problème de longue date en géométrie algébrique. Ce qui est surprenant, c'est le degré de motivation que ce problème
Jean-Pierre Magnot (Université Angers) : On the well-posedness of the classical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy, and its expression on an extended class of formal pseudo-differential operators.
Online OnlineAfter refreshing the well-known works by Mulase, Reyman and Semenov-Tian-Shanski on the algebraic integration of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy via r-matrices, we show in this talk:- firstly how the classical algebra of
Iván Moyano (Université Côte d’Azur): Propagation of smallness and control for heat equations.
Online OnlineIn this work we investigate propagation of smallness properties for solutions to heat equations. We consider spectral projector estimates for the Laplace operator with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions on a Riemanian
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