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Couplage de modes et « Symétrie Parité-Temps » en Photonique

A318 (IMB) A318 (IMB)

Speakers: Yann Boucher (École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest)Ces dernières décennies, la redécouverte des opérateurs Hamiltoniens non-hermitiques, et des systèmes quantiques présentant une "Symétrie Parité-Temps", a suscité de nombreux travaux. La transposition à

Rouven Frassek: Q-operators for rational spin chains

Salle 318 Salle 318

I plan to discuss how Q-operators for rational spin chains can be constructed in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method. The presentation will include open and closed XXX type spin

Quiver gauge theory and quiver W-algebras

Salle A 318 (IMB) Salle A 318 (IMB)

Speakers: Taro Kimura (Keio University)Recently we have established a gauge theoretic construction of W-algebras, that we call the quiver W-algebras. In this construction, we obtain the q-deformed W-algebra associated with the quiver

Martin Vogel: Matrices de Toeplitz et perturbations aléatoires

Salle A318 (IMB) Salle A318 (IMB)

Résumé : Nous allons considérer des matrices de Toeplitz avec un nombre fini des bandes. Je vais présenter quelques résultats récentes concernant la distribution de leurs valeurs propres après petite perturbation aléatoire.

Badri Krishnan: The merger of black hole horizons

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Badri Krishnan (Max-Planck Institut for Gravitational Physics (AEI))In this talk I will present a new way of visualizing and studying a binary black hole coalescence.  Instead of employing global event horizons, this

Mikhail Isachenkov: Models of Calogero-Sutherland type in d>2 CFT

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Mikhail Isachenkov (IHES)Conformal bootstrap programme in the spacetime dimensions d>2 has seen a revival in the last decade. I will describe a direct connection between the important constituents of the bootstrap

Stefan Hohenegger : Symmetries in A-Type Little String Theories

Salle A318 Salle A318

Speakers: Stefan Hohenegger (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)In this talk, I discuss so-called Little String Theories (LSTs), which are a type of interacting quantum theories whose UV-completion contains string-like (i.e. extended) degrees

Atsuo Kuniba: Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball system ANNULÉ

Speakers: Atsuo Kuniba (University of Tokyo)Box-ball system (BBS) is a distinguished example ofsoliton cellular automaton in one dimension.Its integrability has been studied extensively from the viewpoint ofquantum groups, Bethe ansatz, ultradiscretization and

Alexander Alexandrov

Speakers: Alexander Alexandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, POSTECH)

Robin Tucker

Speakers: Robin Tucker (Lancaster University)

The topological string and Jacobi forms

Online Online

Speakers: Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor (École normale supérieure)In this talk, we will give a leisurely introduction to the topological string, emphasizing its multi-faceted nature inherited from its parent theory, string theory. As a concrete

GDR DYNQUA 10-12 Mars


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